Sunday, May 02, 2004

woven dreams

Tala at Tula 2004: Dare to Dream

Dreaming is an activity which should be encouraged. It takes us into the future as it brings us closer to realizing what we want to get out of life. At the same time, dreaming is not just an aimless thing. It is not just flashing random images in ones mind -- not just visualizing arbitrary scenes or favorable situations. Although fluid, there is a certain discipline in trying to define, or at the least imagine, one's future. Behind most the fairy tale moments we’ve had as children (or at least the ones that mattered), there were Fairy Godmothers who reminded us of the things that really matter in life.

It is Heights' vision to at least show the kids of Mater Dolorosa how weaving their dreams--may it be into poetry, stories, visual art or short film--will ultimately show them a part of themselves as it translates into tangible art forms that they can share with the world. This summer, Heights will try to play Fairy Godmother to these children whom without any doubt, have fairy tale futures ahead of them.

--Tala at Tula 2004 Workshop Director


its been a good month since i left the the hill of loyola behind but here i am still toiling under his sword. i cannot for the life of me understand why i just don't give up and completely walk away. this isn't meant to be dramatic--hell no--yet it must be the exhaustion venting out. this exhaustion part is self explanatory, but i feel that i should talk more about the apprehenson part.

i should be scared. i should be scared that i dont have a freakin idea about whats going to happen to me in the next six months. the ironic thing is that i took it upon myself to show a bunch of kids how to dream. "not aimlessly," nonetheless. why do people sound so decisive and learned behind letters? im still waiting for my fairy godmother to give me a pair of fabulous shoes. i swear to god i will not leave one in front of some dorky prince's palace.


the heights turn-over dinner was so fun, even if we arrived a tad late. okay maybe not a tad, but still... and this just might be the answer to the question i posted above.

i almost forgot how much fun we in the past edboard had, and how much of an arse one member in particular is... well not not in a bad way, but in an inexplicably reaffirming way. it reaffirmed my humanity-- u know having undergone the cycle of getting pissed then simmering down for the sake of being civil then to geniune "nah that was nuthin" feeling.

i opened vittorio and jovitt's present in the computer and everything just came back. (this one i have to write about in a separate entry.)

but for all its worth, i will miss the people i will leave behind. or even the ones who will have to leave as well, for we will all be going different ways from now on... and that's why i don't mind sacrificing over this last project.


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