Wednesday, August 11, 2004

ranting ranting ranting. this blogger has been ranting about getting a job to keep him from eating himself up. and because part-time is still a myth in the manila employment scene, he just has to work around circumstances, yes? hopefully this will not involve felony.

flexitime: the future of employment, i tell you. (though i have no idea how to spell it.)

so today, he decided to give those online application thingies a try. why not? Preference will be given to candidates who APPLY ONLINE, the button said after all. the fuck. so he clicked away and stumbled upon an application question: describe briefly your standards of success. (Required - Please answer in full as the answer is used to evaluate your application). again, the fuck. and after typing an answer, he thought: wait, this could totally be a blog entry! so here goes:

For me, success is very relative.

We have come to an age where individuality is valued; therefore, any measurement of success that lies in a collective sense must be put in the secondary. Although financial and social stability may still be important factors, its significance should lie in the person assessing him/herself.

Now more than ever, success is built on dreams--aspirations built for one's self as he/she goes along. Realistically speaking, I do acknowledge the reality that compromises may have to be made along the way. However, I see these not as pitfalls but as opportunities to affirm what it really is that one would want to happen or achieve. Success is achieved if personal growth is chosen over worldly offers.

Family, friends and even enemies: these are some other things that I always consider whenever I think about success. For one important standard of true success is that it should bring the person involved closer to the ones he/she value.

Bigger than this, success is also something that's shared to mankind. There is always the burden of improving the world we have been born into. We are all capable of this and true success would be having been able to do so in the greatest way one's circumstance and position would allow.

In the end, success should not be about a certain destination. It is not about getting somewhere but about being proud of being what one has become. The greatest standard of success is to be knowing what one wants, never forgetting it, and to be pursuing it no matter where the tides may bring him/her.

Success is not running out of things to pursue.

Personally, I will consider myself successful NOT if I have been able to transform myself into a great person in this field that I chose, BUT if I have become the best version of myself through this field that I chose.

yeah, it's kinda bull. but at least it's not felony. and i believe in those too, incidentally.


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